Tuesday, October 25, 2005

George Will On Alan Greenspan...

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

George Will takes a break from Harriet-Bashing to comment upon the retirement of Alan Greenspan, and it's George at his best. Dispensing cold, hard facts without hyperbole.

"Greenspan's famously, at times hilariously, circumspect rhetoric has been prudent because some word, or inflection, or even arched eyebrow could have caused vast sums to slosh in this or that direction in capital markets. His rhetorical style — or perhaps anti-style — is a high-stakes illustration of Voltaire's idea that men use speech to conceal their thoughts.

Greenspan's wife has said he had to propose marriage three times before she understood what he was saying. And he was being droll when he said — if he said it; apocrypha collect around legends — that "if I have made myself clear I have misspoken." His achievements speak clearly for him."

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