Friday, October 28, 2005

Sob...Iraq Citizens Helping Marines Is SUCH An Imposition...

Iraqis Forced to Take in Uninvited Troops AP

HADITHA, Iraq - "The Marines call it a necessary evil — taking over houses and buildings for military use. For the Iraqis who become unwilling hosts, it can be anything from a mild inconvenience to a disruption that tears apart lives."

Oh the horror. Farmers being asked to leave the remnants of Royal Palaces and disbelieved when they claim that the mansions have been in their families for generations. Seriously, let's look at the impositions:

"In a recent offensive in Haditha, the headmaster of one school where Marines were based pressed them for a departure date so he could resume classes. At another school, Marines fortified the building with blast walls and sandbags for long-term use.

A trembling woman wept when Marines tried to requisition her home to set up an observation post with a view of a nearby road where a bomb had been planted. The Marines quickly left, using her neighbor's rooftop instead."

Oh my heavens, the horror, the horror. A headmaster had to ask when they'd be done fighting and dying for his country so he'd know when to start classes.

A woman wept when Marines asked to use her home, but we aren't told what she said or did when they graciously left to find another place from which to kill the enemy of her people; the enemy who had enslaved them for years and was trying to do so again.

The horror. The horror of the ASSociated Press as it strives so very hard to find something, anything to show how difficult it is for these poor people to pitch in and help the men dying for them. Fuckers. They sit around in the green zone ordering the locals around like slaves and write tales like this when there's simply nothing else "bad" to talk about.

Iraq simply MUST get on the net and in large numbers so they can read shit like this and tell us the real story. Left to the MSM, in a few years they'll be as bad as France in hating the country that kicked out the invaders, handed there nation back to them on a silver platter, and for 60 ears has been protecting it from harm.

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