Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stop The ACLU Sends Us This...

Here's one of the things that ticks me off about the ACLU. If you're a city councilman, say, and your personal beliefs are Wiccan you can full frontal something wiccy this way comes to your heart's content and the swine applaud your "diversity". But be a Christian and for every time you mention Jesus, or even his real name Joshua ben Joseph, for that matter, one lunatic liberal or another has something akin to an epileptic seizure, and calls for your head.

Absurd, but commonplace. And while I had to wait for slow loading websites to determine which Fredericksburg was being mentioned, to the point of checking out the area code in an ad from the online to be sure, the following story is about a man who wasn't taking any of this lying down. Oh and yes, it's the Virginia Fredericksburg. I think.

City Councilman Sures Fellow Councilmembers

(This was a production of stop/' href='" href="stop/'>">Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over" target="_blank">115 blogs already on-board.)

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