Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The world by the tongue

Funny how the apologists for that scruffy-bearded asshole calling himself the President of Iran are bristling because the western media have brought his "death to Israel and America" remarks to the light of day. It's all insider rhetoric designed for a location specific audience, they say, and we really shouldn't be taking it to heart.

I however, like Florida and other free places to live, have this no-retreat rule. If someone says they are going to kill me not only do I take it damned serious but pre-empt if at all possible.

And if Blogger wasn't such a pansy-ass joint I'd say a lot more, but am in no mood to hear from yet another dickwad about how I'm not conforming to community standards. Had my fill of it at AOL. Here I'll BE in such a mood fairly soon though, so stand by.

PS: Picture obviously stolen from Misha's place.

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