A BILL to allow concealed handguns in cars blew threw the Georgia House on Monday, but police agencies are rightly concerned the measure could endanger officers making traffic stops."
"Rightly concerned"? How so? In the many states that allow firearms in vehicles, name ONE that has had a problem. You do not need a CCW to travel with a concealed handgun in Florida, and there have been no bloodbaths on the highways and byways.
Back to rightly-concerned. About citizens owning guns? About perfectly law-abiding people suddenly opening fire? Again, WHERE has this happened?
Why are the Georgia police allowed to have concealed weapons in THEIR vehicles? Are they somethin' special? Born that way, or does it happen upon swearing-in?
Wait a minute. If what they say is true, then we should be rightly concerned that they might harm us.
Now I get it. They don't trust themselves, so why should they trust us.
I think.
But I'm too rightly concerned to be sure.
And precisely how does this effect criminals? You know, the ones most likely to cause concern. Think they'll cease and desist with their criminal lifestyles because the Georgia Police are concerned?
No, you say? That's why they're called criminals?
Now that's disconcerting.
Quick; someone tell the Georgia Police.
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