Friday, February 02, 2007

More Pics Of The New Glock 21SF

Okay, here's the deal. Glock did some modifying for a proposed Joint Services contract that never materialized. There was a lot of politics going on and most of the big brass kept saying that sidearms are irrelevant so what's the big deal. Forget that any number of men with a genuine need for such a gun now have to be content with a WWII vintage 1911 (if they can find one) when they could have been pleasantly surprised by a 13 round .45. The G-21SF is slated for general release around late February, but don't expect to find one for quite a while. Think of it this way; were we to be writing and/or discussing fictional war stories...kinda like dentists do online...there'd be men with connections ponying up a pretty penny to get these guns where they belong. There is simply no other point & click, parts up the yingyang, for all intents and purpose rust proof, relatively inexpensive, time-tested, low-bore-axis, quick trigger-rest .45 ACP anywhere that even comes close.

Military armorers were begging for Glock. The Generals said it wasn't necessary. Which, to go off on a tangent, is why I so often disagreed with Jeff Cooper.

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