Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Korean Killer Ruled "A Danger" In 2005

BLACKSBURG, Va. — Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui coldly paused during his deadly campus rampage Monday to pose for pictures and put together a package of documents he then sent to NBC News, FBI officials said.

One photo shows Cho angrily posing with a automatic gun in each outstretched black-gloved hand, dressed in a black shirt, tan ammo vest and a black backward baseball cap.

FBI sources told FOX News that a preliminary examination of the package shows the documents contain wording that is very similar to the notes that were reported to have been found in Cho's dorm room. One early theory is that Cho packaged and sent the same material.

FBI officials said they were concerned that NBC was not the only news organization to receive a package from Cho, but they have no evidence at this time that he sent anything to anyone else.

State police, meanwhile, revealed that in December, 2005, Cho was declared "mentally ill and in need of hospitalization" and posed "an imminent danger," according to a temporary detention order issued by a Virginia district court..."

Okay, it's a story concerning firearms and Fox News hasn't a clue so I won't harp on the "automatic guns" remark. They're in this for the bucks just like the rest of the MSM and such is life.

As far as this cretin being declared a danger, it's a shame he wasn't a Lacrosse player because for sure he'd have been long since taken out of commission.

This little monster parades around campus dressed thusly, kills two people then moseys along to waste others while the local yokels were doing what precisely?

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