Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ann Coulters Weekly Take On Mz Harriet...

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"I have finally hit upon a misdeed by the Bush administration so outrageous, so appalling, so egregious, I am calling for a bipartisan commission with subpoena power to investigate: Who told the president to nominate Harriet Miers? The commission should also be charged with getting an answer to this question: Who was his second choice? Things are so bad, the best option for Karl Rove now would be to get himself indicted. Then at least he'd have a colorable claim to having no involvement in the Miers nomination. This week's Miers update is:

...without a conservative theory of constitutional interpretation, Miers will lay the groundwork for a million more Roes. We're told she has terrific "common sense." Common sense is the last thing you want in a judge! The maxim "Hard cases make bad law" could be expanded to "Hard cases being decided by judges with 'common sense' make unfathomably bad law."

By the way, Ann, what with everyone wanting the head of whomever, or the head of the committee of whomever selected Harriet Miers to replace Sandy Day, look no farther than the next occupied pillow nearest the President, and no, it wasn't Rove. Of course she wasn't vetted, of course the staff was caught flat-footed in preparing to announce such a monumentally bad choice.

The staff had not a bloody thing to do with it. George and Laura had a sit-down, she said dang if it ain't a good choice, and it was off to the races.

Or do you REALLY believe that anyone BESIDES Laura could have offered Harriet's name for consideration? The staff is demoralized over this, they're hanging their heads and schlepping around town trying to put on a good face and failing miserably, because they KNOW who had the final say and it wasn't any of them.

And memo to Ann...there WAS no second choice. This was a done deal from the beginning, with Harriet as the ONLY selection for this particular opening. George is reasonably sure that Joannie Ginsberg will be pulling the pin sometime next year, and she probably will now that he's appointed a nonintellectual to take Sandy's job. Were it a hardcase conservative like Janice Brown then Ginsberg stays until someone realizes she's been dead for some time but just didn't look any different. John Paul Stevens might even beat Joannie to the punch and take his retirement as well, but liberals have been pleading and begging and weeping for at least one of them to stay onboard until a Democrat assumes control of the White House.

Wow. That means Stevens would be what, 103 before he gets to step down? Dammit man, get while the getting is good.

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