Friday, October 21, 2005

Conservatives Are Strong Says John Podhoretz...

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

by John Podhoretz

October 21, 2005 -- "IS there a conservative crack- up going on? That seems to be the question of the day in light of the confrontation between President Bush and leading figures on the right over the Harriet Miers nomination — a nomination with precious few defenders among the president's supporters, and a great many visible and passionate critics.

This notion fails to take into account the vibrancy and health of the conservative coalition. These arguments are proceeding not out of weakness, but out of strength. Conservatives are confident enough in their strength and viability of their own ideas and convictions to task the administration when the president and his people fall short of fulfilling them.

And yet something has changed in the past two months. It was most evident with the hapless and tone-deaf political response to Hurricane Katrina in the first 72 hours — when the once pitch-perfect White House seemed of a mind to want to happy-talk its way out of the disaster.
That was what sports fans call an "unforced error" — the most maddening kind of mistake imaginable for members of the team and for fans. That unforced error was followed only few weeks later by the Miers appointment, which ranks as one of the dumbest plays ever attempted in the modern Washington political game."

No, John, that's what tennis fans call an unforced error. Tennis is not a sport, nor is any other game that sees 15 year olds beating 25 year olds, and I know you're a first class geek but there are plenty of die-hard sporting fans throughout the nation that have barely heard of, let alone understand the concept of to them an obscure tennis term, so stick to what you know and leave the sports references, what little you know of them, in the brainhousing group where they cannot expose your greatest weakness.

John is, to use another sporting term, a cheerleader. Cheerleaders preach to the choir and so does John, so pretty much anything coming from his keyboard is tried and true rah-rah not intended to inform or to influence, but to placate the old guard. The ELITE old guard who play and watch a lot of tennis.

And far be it from me to disagree with John's assertions as stated in this particular story, what he says is well known, readily understood, and agreed upon by pretty much every true conservative out there, and promoting the painfully obvious has made a lot of other folks wealthy so why not John. Liberals do it all the time.

And that is what USED to separate us from them, but isn't in vogue quite as much as it once was, so if for nothing else thank you for the boost in confidence, John. Didn't need it but it's the thought that counts when everything else fails.

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