Wednesday, October 19, 2005

More Science In The News...

Scientists Study Gorilla Who Uses Tools photo

GOMA, Congo (AP) - A young gorilla in a Congo sanctuary is smashing palm nuts between two rocks to extract oil, surprising and intriguing scientists who say they have much to learn about what gorillas can do - and about what it says about evolution. It had been thought that the premeditated use of...

Oh for pete's sake, evolution, schmevolution. Just send some Intelligent Designers there and they'll have it figured out in no time. Psst..and remember, guys...even though the bible says otherwise...just keep saying a bat is not a bird, a bat is not a bird, and it'll fool those uppity scientists like nobody's business.

And by the way, anyone who's seen ME using tools knows that apes aping what they've seen is hardly anything new, and years ago it was all the rage to teach a simian something then call in the press to marvel at how it learned it all by it's lonesome.

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