Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Whale-Boned Clamshell Wasn't Enough...Mayor RINO Bloomberg Has HIS Say Too...

New York Daily News - Home - Butt out, Larry

Mayor Bloomberg to World Trade Center developer Larry Silverstein: It's time for you to go.
Abandoning his usually bland statements of support, the mayor said for the first time that New York would be better off if Silverstein were booted from the site.

"It would be in the city's interest to get Silverstein out, [but] nobody can figure out how to do it yet," Bloomberg told the Daily News Editorial Board Friday.
"And can you imagine the stink if you gave him half a billion dollars or a billion dollars in profit to get him out?" he added.

Now that's the way to go, Bloomy. Toss the rascals out. But ya can't JUST stop there, can you? Too much of the lefty loon inside, and you just HAD to go and say this:

In an unusually candid sitdown, Bloomberg also expressed concern over the priorities of the Port Authority, which owns the site, and the growing "power" of the families that lost loved ones there on 9/11.

Referring to the families' recent success in getting Gov. Pataki to kill a controversial International Freedom Center at the site, Bloomberg said the decision had complicated the task of raising funds for a memorial.

"I understand their emotions," Bloomberg said of the families. "But that scared away some of the donors ... and certainly changed what you can do on the site."

"What do you do if a Saudi bank wants to rent space in the Freedom Tower?" Bloomberg added. "What merchant is going to rent a store and then get picketed? So there are some real practical aspects."

Fuck the donors, fuck objectionable merchants, and fuck the Saudi's too. That clear enough for you, Bloomy? Now, you weren't mayor when the old buildings came down, but if you look it up I'm sure that you can understand WHY the families didn't want the site turned into a Hate-America-Free-For-All. And to think, even for a NY Nano-Second that space-starved Manhattan isn't clamoring for room and you can be as frickin choosy as you want to fill one building on a site that once held TWO, and each ONE with more space than this Fairy Freedom Needle, then this fence-straddling of yours has gone so far it has effected your thought process to the point of no return. NY belongs to the PEOPLE, not the special interest asswipes out to make a fast buck or a loony statement on mans inhumanity to man.

Sweet geez but why didn't Rudy quit for a day then return for the next election like he legally could have. NYC and the WTC site is too big for Bloomberg to imagine let alone handle.

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