Monday, June 25, 2007

We Get Letters

"What is Taneritte?"

Tannerite is a what you get after mixing 95% (by weight) of Nitrogen fertilizer, 34-0-0, and 5% of a certain metallic powder. Make a small, and I mean SMALL 3-4 ounce batch and coat the inside of a pumpkin. Place said pumpkin on an upside down bucket, pace off at least 30 yards, then fire a round into it.

If mixed correctly, the Tannerite'd gourd will explode like nobody's business, shooting white flames across a 10 yard circle as it disintegrates. Ingenious souls have been making and using Tannerite for quite some time because it really and truly goes BOOM. A pound under an old refrigerator will send the doomed icebox skywards as it dreams of becoming a space shuttle like its cousin Boeing.

This information is of course posted for entertainment purposes only, and should not be tried at home. The exact formula identifying the mysterious powder may be found by Googling Tannerite.

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