Thursday, October 20, 2005

Clerics Warn of Anti-American Feelings Over Alleged Body Burnings...

Misha over at Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler does a good job of exposing this farce for the, well, farce it is, and I won't step on his toes to throw in much of my two cents, as in certain areas we tend to think far too much alike and he was there first with the story.

Suffice it to say that members of the US Armed Force may have burned the bodies of two Afghan terrorists, and for someone who's been there, done that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with disposing of decaying corpses in such a manner. Don't even go there with Geneva Convention schmention, it doesn't cover nor was it designed to cover terrorism, and last I checked the meatbombs for allah hadn't signed on anyways. American military reps are expressing horror that "this isn't who we are", and this is true. In times of peace no sane person flits about killing people in ways unimaginable to the average person, but these are not times of peace, and war is a beast that must be fed in very many ways if one is to wrest victory from the fickle jaws that would rend friend and foe alike.

Thanks the heavens and your lucky stars there were no "embeds" or enemy-friendly mass media during WWII, or today we'd all be speaking German with a Japanese accent.

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