Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fuck The Whales

If there's a group of loony lefties still wanting to keep New Orleans "Wet & Wild", ala the Sierra Club, then you can bet your bippy there's tons of 'em constantly screwing with the Navy to save the whales, or the dolphins, or one sea turtle or another. Presented for your approval, we link to the following article from the Washington Post, and continue to wonder how in the hell we EVER got a leg up on the Soviets with all of the moonbats constantly getting in the way:

Group Sues Navy to Limit Sonar It Says Harms Marine Life

That's right, the hell with all of that sonar, because who gives a rats ass if [insert bad-guy conuntry here] are closing in on one of our carrier fleets. The loons never seem to get around to banning asian products or ideas, and those crazy fuckers are still eating all of their favorite cuddly sea creatures.

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