Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Laura And The Knaves

Michelle Malkin: MRS. BUSH & THE SEXISM CARD

"So, the First Lady pulled out the sexism card in her defense of Harriet Miers on NBC's Today Show.

Matt Lauer lapped it up.

Did the White House not inform Mrs. Bush that some of the most vocal criticism and questioning of the nomination comes from conservative women? Or does she buy into the Left's conservative-women-are-self-loathing-traitors-to-their-gender line, too?"

Not that there's anyone who ISN'T making a fuss about Laura Bush, yes, her name is LAURA and it wouldn't hurt to call her that every now and again when one is voicing an objection to being called sexist, and Michelle should know better. Laura Bush Is the First Lady and entitled to HER opinion as much as anyone else, maybe more so or what's the point of being First anything. All along she's had a great deal of influence in George's thought process...if you CAN call it that ... and it is understandable that a woman of her generation would be sensitive to sexism both real and perceived. It's easy for Michelle to disagree, but linking to a Chris Roach and some other guy named Erick is missing the point.

Not EVERYONE is as sophisticated as the hive-blog-mind can be, and know what, there probably IS a touch or two of sexism seasoning the conservative dislike for Harriet Miers. As much as I try I do be open minded I'd be a liar if I didn't admit that I sometimes evince a kneejerk reaction to "pushy" women while calling the same actions from a man balsy. But I am aware of my shortcomings and work on it...doesn't excuse me but such is life. For my money, Harriet IS woefully underequipped to become a Supreme Court Justice and I've been gnashing my teeth since the anouncement while trying to understand why Bush did this thing to us, because he DID screw his base or we all wouldn't be ragging on him day and night.

And the folks who attempt to gloss over the qualifications necessary to perform such a job are also missing at least part of the big picture. Bad enough to support a President who grins like a chimp and cannot pronounce the most simple of words, so we want his appointments to make up for this lack of grace. We want John Roberts staring back at the dunces from the other side and making them look like rank amateurs.

We wanted James frickin Bond and he gave us Sally Fields as the Flying Nun.

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