Saturday, October 01, 2005

Moslem Chaplian Resigns Before Being Sworn In...

Runaway Chaplain?

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

Who Almost Hired This Guy?

October 1, 2005 -- "Good thing that Intikab Habib resigned abruptly yesterday, shortly before he was to be sworn in as the New York City Fire Department's new Muslim chaplain: His decision came after publication of a stunning interview in which he raised the possibility of a wider conspiracy behind the 9/11 attacks.

"It takes two or three weeks to demolish a building like that [with fire alone]," Habib told Newsday. "But it was pulled down in a couple of hours. Was it 19 hijackers who brought it down, or was it a conspiracy?"

Well, at least he didn't say he approved of the attacks; rather, he called them "a tragic incident."
Still, First Amendment rights notwithstanding, anyone who can spout such ridiculous nonsense simply could not ever be able to minister even to a tiny minority within a department that lost 343 heroic souls in the attacks that leveled the Twin Towers.
Even the Islamic Society of Fire Department personnel, which recommended him based on his credentials as a teacher at a Queens Islamic school, agreed that he was "not the right person for the chaplain."

It IS a good thing indeed that this monstrosity disguising himself as a man of the cloth got while the getting was good, and it's been all over the web, so my two cents is late but what the hell.
The vetting process worked...well, it caught him before he could do much damage learning the ins and outs of the FDNY, and someone with those 'views' is an enemy of America regardless of what cult he hides himself behind, is the kind of someone better off kept in the dark about the workings of New Yorks Bravest. The moslems sued to get a moslem chaplain onboard and the one that NEARLY gets sworn in turns out to be an apologist for those who would harm us, as well as a moonbat extraordinaire for spouting that abject, utter nonsense about 9/11 being an inside job.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, and here's hoping the next towelhead they pick doesn't turn out to be just another cultist in hiding.

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