Monday, October 03, 2005

Nanny and The Perfesser

One of George Bush’s campaign platforms, and indeed the very Contract With America that propelled the GOP into prominence in the mid-90's, was to remake the Supreme Court in a more conservative image and it’s Strike-Two and counting.

Ms Miers, White House Council, Deputy Chief of Staff, and diaper-changer extraordinaire, was nominated for Associate Justice, conservative groups are howling to the stars, and well they should.

Personally, I’ve given the President the benefit of the doubt throughout the Roberts fiasco, but the kid gloves are coming off. I WANT to believe that Nanny M is a strict constructionist, I WANT to revel in her appointment as replacement for Whishy-Washy Sandy, but for the love of all that’s holy, what was he THINKING?

With all of the well qualified jurists available, he picks HER? Have his cajones shrunk THAT far? Is Gonzales that much of a liberal in hiding wimp, and the rest of them far too controversial that W had to ask Grand Ma-Ma if she’d like to be fitted for some nifty robes?

Conservatives voted for this man because of the PROMISE, because of the CONTRACT, and he gives us a guy who can’t even control his bratty son, and then this?

Have Joanie Ginsberg and I -Wanna-Be John Paul Jones sent him covert emails professing their desire to retire after this session and he knows the grunt work is yet to come so these vanilla wafers were okay?

I mean, there IS a plan here, right? And we’re all too far out of the loop or too stupid to see it, right? He wouldn’t have TWICE made it into office with the promise of no more touchy-feely Supremes and then just upped and told us all to go fuck ourselves, right?

More on this as I recover from the shock.

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