Monday, October 03, 2005

Victor Davis Hanson Gives Us A Bit Of "What-If"

Saddam in 2005! Just imagine a different Iraq…

Saddam promises more bounties for suicide bombers in Rather interview

In a much publicized second interview with CBS’s Dan Rather, Iraqi’s President Saddam Hussein insisted that continual American pressure had little effect. “Look at Afghanistan. Here it is almost October 2005, and America is still fighting the Taliban, so I don’t think they will dare come to our Iraq. But we are ready to be martyred nonetheless.

Senators exasperated with Bush inaction.

On the domestic scene both conservative and liberal spokesmen voiced disappointment with President Bush’s apparent vacillation and willingness to let Saddam violate the sanctions and U.N. inspections. A group of three Democratic senators — Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry — reminded the president that the Senate had voted overwhelmingly over three years ago to authorize the military removal of Saddam Hussein, and suggested that the old “Jim Baker/Frank Carlucci realpolitik” was at work again, or as Sen. Clinton put it, “Just pump that oil and it’s O.K. with us that he does pretty much what he wants to his people.”

It's funny and so very true. Everyone agreed that SoDam had stockpiles of dangerous weapons and wanted him and them gone. But then we all know that the Dimocrats' job is to act as contrarian and complain about ANY scenario that might have taken place. Little kids who never got enough attention from Mommy, and making up for it in spades.

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