Thursday, October 06, 2005

Oklahoma "Bomber" Keeping LGF And Michelle M. Awake At Night

Okay, it's the baliwick of Charles to keep an eye on errant moslems or those that love them, and while the story is more than a little sketchy, there's enough of a wiff of smoke to check for a fire.
Check for a fire, but not declare one. But isn't that what we bloggers do? Start a blaze where there isn't one yet in the hope of being right once in a while and therefore deserving of the kudo's on scooping the MSM? Do we ever report that we were wrong? Do we have to? Why am I asking so many dumb ass questions?

lgf: Zombie: Oklahoma Suicide Bombing Reports
wednesday, october 05, 2005

"LGF operative zombie has put together an overview of what’s known so far about the Suicide Bombing in Norman, Oklahoma, a case that is getting curiouser and curiouser—with news that the person who died in the blast, Joel Henry Hinrichs III, had a roommate who was a member of the Muslim Students Association, and may have attended a nearby mosque.

Here’s a video report at, with an interview with the owner of a feed store where Hinrichs apparently tried to buy ammonium nitrate fertilizer (which can be used to build very powerful bombs) a few days before his death.
UPDATE at 10/5/05 7:09:14 pm:
I’m starting to think this was a work accident (lgf: search.)"

Wow. Charles wrote something long enough to nearly flesh out a decent paragraph. Must be those creative writing courses at work, huh? Seriously though, when big blogs get wind of a story do they EVER wait until additional and/or SOME facts are in before publishing? Would they stand for the same shoddy reporting from the MSM, or is it a given that all we really do is pass along gossip.

Hell, Drudge has been doing that very thing for years and he's still adored so I guess any old tale will do as long as it titillates.

The story in question does seem suspicious, but more suspicious than the dozens, no hundreds, of other reports that filter past everyones desk everyday? Oh, you say it MIGHT have a moslem connection and is therefor fair game. Gotcha.

Anyways, here's Michelle' "new" take on the matter:


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