Friday, October 14, 2005

So Then, Why Don't We Ask Harriet Something REALLY Important...

So what's more important; Harriet Miers thoughts on religion or her feelings about science? For my money, I could care less who the woman kneels to in the privacy of her own home or place of adoration for invisible people, and neither should anyone else. Were all religions to suddenly disappear from the face of the earth nothing would change in the slightest, strike that, there'd be lots more parking spaces if the churches vanished along with their imaginary deities, and that's definitely a good thing so it's impertinent to say nothing would be altered.

Science disappears and our pc's shut down, airplanes fall from the sky, automobiles don't start, the lights won't switch on, and, well, you get the point. Very sick and/or diseased people would drop quite dead and the research that saves men, women, children, animals and the things we grow to eat would be a thing of fading memory, sort of like certain intelligent designers want it to be.

So does she believe in what she can see, feel, taste, hear, and smell, and does she also want future generations to be provided all the bounties the fertile human mind can provide, or is clicking your heels, bowing your head and wishing upon a star the way to go?

And I am not inferring that something as silly as the Ten Commandments be removed from this place or that, they are after all a reasonably good place to start in teaching children how to behave. Separation of church and state merely means that the state cannot make it's own church, but the few good things from various religions are nice, and if it makes some folks feel good to believe in Jesus, or Santa, or the Easter Bunny or even the Tooth Fairy...then what's the harm.

Beg pardon, you say the harm is when religion goes afoul of humanity and the shaman begin asking for severed heads and volunteers to fly airplanes into office buildings? Well, there is that, but the only modern religion that requires such human sacrifice is the moslem one, and with any kind of luck we'll all weather the my-god-has-a-bigger-dick-than-your-god phase we seem to go through every now and again, and move on. Once upon a time the arabs had the holy land and men went to fight and die for it. Now the arabs have the oil and we cannot just nuke every safe haven for the meatbombs because our SUV's'd be parked more than driven.

Yeah it's always something. But science is what will save us, as science has always saved us from the witch doctor's who would order wholesale massacres of the innocents because they weren't kneeling to the right cloud.

So how DOES Harriet feel about science?

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