Monday, June 04, 2007

The Anti-Gunners Never Rest

There was no gun lobby until the anti-gun-lobby forced us to be reactive. And I remember precisely when the anti-gun-lobby came into being. November 23, 1963. The day after the Kennedy assassination. Walter Cronkite told a stunned nation that Lee Oswald shot the President with a mail order rifle "powerful enough to stop a rhinoceros." From that day to this day there have been people whose entire life's work has been to disarm America. Kennedy, King, then another Kennedy. By 1968, the Gun Control Act was a fact of life and we were then guilty until proven innocent. The 1993 Brady Bill ushered in the era of background checks. In 1994 the Assault Weapons Ban stipulated, among other things, that it didn't matter if you were the salt of the earth, there were firearms and magazines far too deadly for mere citizens to own. Emboldened by close to 40 years of success, today's democrats are pushing for more and more gun control, and at the very least a reinstitution of the sunsetted AWB.

This time around it pays to be proactive, and I for one am proud of those who stood up after the Virgina Tech korean killings and fought back rather than surrender meekly as we've done in the past after one tragedy or another. The democrats have no sense of honor and will climb atop a pile of bodies to further a political agenda but this time we pushed right back. It is impossible to remain a gentleman and discuss such matters in a civil fashion, not with these people. Every inch we give them for the sake of peace amongst us turns into a mile lost.

Such is the case with the following. A pediatrician has the abject audacity to make a blanket statement from a survey of 3500 gun owners across the "United States and Canada." A statement that fairly reeks of an informed medical opinion telling everyone to do away with their guns.

Time for a double take and a hearty HUH? Disparate gun control laws between countries for one, and 3500? ONLY 3500 out of the millions of households containing firearms?

Over 70 percent of families surveyed reported not storing their firearms safely in their residence,” said Robert DuRant of the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. “This concerns us a great deal because having guns in the home increases the likelihood that they will be used in a suicide or unintentional injury...

DuRant encourages all pediatricians to talk with parents about safe gun storage practices. The safest practice would be to remove guns from the house, but if parents are unwilling to do that, they should lock them and store the ammunition separately, he said."

Exceptions duly noted, but the medical profession is as anti-gun as any anti-gunner could be. Politicians, the media, Hollywood, the docs. Versus us.

Of course we simply must refrain from taking even one small step backwards. And not for nothing and I really shouldn't be protesting this idiot's folderol at length, but the SAFEST practice, Dr. DuRant, would be to barricade oneself in ones dwelling and never leave the house but that's almost as stupid as your recommendation.

And not for nothing, doc, but since the United states has the 2nd highest infant mortality rate in the modern world, perhaps we should look into doing away with OUR physicians and importing some Japanese doctors because, after all, THEIR mortality rate is 1/3 that of our own. Why then are American doctors killing all of those babies? Why is Latvia the ONLY modern country that has a higher infant death rate than ours? And please don't tell me it's because we are shooting our babies. Firearms aside, it seems that our practitioners are the second worst in the world, now doesn't it, so shouldn't you be doing something other than worrying about guns?

And if all that sounds a bit dumb to YOU, doc, then just imagine how YOU sound to US.

Thanks to The War on Guns.

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