Sunday, June 17, 2007

Immigration By The Numbers...

1925-1965...golden age of immigrations..125,000/year

1965-1989...500,000+ immigrants per year

1990's...More than 800,000


We've already been overwhelmed, nearly past the point by which we can call America America.

Because of such mass immigration, we've had to build the infrastructure past the point where it can be maintained by the input of immigrants, both legal and illegal. Immigrants take far more than they replace.

Case in point; California has decided that they must build a new school, every day of every year in perpetuity. Forget the legal immigrants, if we don't begin curtailing the legal ones we're doomed.

The US as a safety valve for Latin America and the 3rd world nations is nothing more than a canard. Last we we let in 1 million people. That were replaced by 80 million impoverished people via new births.

The entire charade is and has been a scam to change the United States to just another country barely making ends meet. Click the headline link for the video explaining it all. Then get even madder than you already are about the immigration "debate" and reinvigorate your efforts to make your feelings known.

Thanks to Woody for the email.

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