Friday, June 01, 2007

Shotgun Rounds For Self Defense

Birdshot #8. Most of the teeny weeny pellets penetrated 5".

Buckshot #1. Significantly more penetration. Duh.

Buckshot 00. Lots more penetration than Birdshot. Less of a wound track than #1, but YMMV.

The net is being overwhelmed with bad advice from law enforcement officers, and others, who've seen gruesome wounds from birdshot and believe that nasty equals effective. Effective means 3D. Definitely Done Dancing. Birdshot is for birds. Buckshot is for self defense. I go through this on a regular basis and each and every time say I won't do it again. Then someone else sends me one recommendation or another that makes so little sense it begs the light of day.

I didn't need to see the results from Tactical Shotgun because I've seen them at work. For those who've not, then click the headline link for more fun with gello. For slug penetration results, go here.

As an aside, #4 buck is quite effective as well but does not penetrate heavier clothing as much as I'd like to see. For those in warmer climes this is not a consideration, unless one is confronted by an irate biker gang. Thick leather simply prevents #4 from getting in as deep as you'd want to. Beach-carry is something else.

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