Monday, June 11, 2007

Turning Up The Heat

Yesterday the temp rose to 97 F. Not a record. That was accomplished in 1907 (and who knows what a day in June of 1607 looked like because them Indians weren't up on keeping track of such matters) when the thermometer hit 98. Today, the local gangs of hysterical global warmers masquerading as weathermen...failing to mention what year SAW such records... offered that we might come close to or set its own high water mark. Also in 1907, but 100 degrees, and our peaking at 97 has left them weeping on the beaches as they steadfastly pray for proof positive that the sky is falling. Yes, it's hot. Yes, it's Florida. Tomorrow they are forecasting 90 or thereabouts, and this also is not good news for the Algore wannabes. Our winter was abominably cold for this neck of the woods, and you'd think that when Florida gets cold people would take notice but not anymore.

There was news out of Denver stating that the city was not only acknowledging global warming as fact, but had proposed stiff fines and penalties for its citizens who stomped about with far too large a carbon footprint. If I can find the story I'll add more later on. I can remember back when Colorado was a nice place to live. Before the loons from Kalifornificatia started moving in to lower the collective IQ down to single digits.

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