Thursday, June 07, 2007

We're Simply Not Worthy

"While some private citizens within the firearms community complain about their inability to secure this ammo for their own defensive needs, their needs are not the same ones experienced by law enforcement officers. Winchester has done a good job through their extensive research of addressing the needs of the civilian defensive hand-gun owners with the civilian oriented SXT line of defensive ammo."

Frank W. James ( Latest issue of Shotgun News) giving his opinion on why Winchester reserves the lions share of it's Winchester-Ranger-T ammunition for law enforcement. The "civilian" SXT line, by the way, is absolute garbage, and I understand that Winchester uses this exclusivity as a marketing ploy, but perhaps Mr. James does not. Any of MY communication with Winchester has been responded thusly: It takes more time and effort to make Ranger-T ammo. Ranger-T ammo is therefore more expensive. This added expense will be justified by a relative few civilian shooters, so we focus primarily upon law enforcement and try to assure a full pipeline of product at all times.

If Frank W, James truly thinks that cops are the only ones who need top of the line munitions, Frank W. James is not only an asshole, but a Fudd of the same proportions as Jimbo Zumbo.

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