Tuesday, July 10, 2007

From The Front...

3 Navy SEALS died the other day, supporting Iraqi Freedom, and one of them was the son of an old friend. That had me down in the dumps until I heard that another ancient acquaintance was just told he's being promoted to Major General. Don't see how they keep promoting him without me around to keep his shit in one bag and it's almost as if the Corps has lowered its standards. Michael Yon is upset that Rush embellished the Al Queda baking young boys story and I hadn't made mention of it because it was an unverified rumor but now its all over the place. Lots of stuff going on that I keep to myself for one reason or another, but there's simply no question that our forces are kicking ass and taking names. The Surge is working and working well. Hardly a day goes by without someone asking if the folks back home really believe the shit being reported upon by the Jurassic Press, and I answer, no, not all of the folks. Difficult to explain to young men not conversant with modern politics why a great many Americans would wish to see them dead and the war effort a failure. I didn't understand way back when so I guess that time catches up to you and it all sinks in. Being called an American doesn't make someone a true American. Never has, never will. There are those who by happenstance of birth are entitled to call themselves a citizen of these United states, but it takes far more than that, far more of a soul to be a direct descendant of the Founders.

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