Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Only Ones Special And Reasonable Enough

by Tony Fisher. Spartanburg Public Safety Director

"Another violent tragedy, and the immediate response is that we need new legislation. The International Chiefs of Police, Police Executive Research Forum and other professional organizations have consistently opposed any law that increases the number of firearms available to the general public.

Mind you, all of these organizations, including myself, are supportive of the Second Amendment rights that allow citizens to possess and own firearms. The intent of the Constitution and its authors, I believe, intended for reasonable ownership and possession. Legislation to increase the presence of firearms on the grounds of public schools and universities is unreasonable.

The recent response by some South Carolina lawmakers and the approval of a House subcommittee would allow concealed weapons permit holders to carry guns on school property, from elementary schools to universities.

One of the most difficult things that has faced law enforcement over the years is the ability to predict human behavior. Therefore, any increase of firearms in the public arena, particularly public institutions, schools and universities, increases the potential for one with mental health issues to legally carry a gun. These people, at any point in time, have the opportunity to open fire on those who are in their immediate environment. Although others may be carrying weapons, it would turn into a melee in which 911 is notified, the police respond, and 25 people with guns are firing at each other.

Therefore, I ask this community to join with me as we move ahead in an attempt to remove gun violence in our community by seeking other nonviolent avenues rather than support legislation that would, first, increase where we can carry our weapons and, second, create legis-lation (sic) that would restrict officers' ability to trace firearms that are found at crime scenes."

There we have it in this nut's shell. Oppose, oppose, the oppose some more. But at least he's kind enough to translate the Constitution for us. My copy says nothing about "reasonable ownership", but is chockablock with references to THE PEOPLE, and does NOT offer any additional bennies to those sworn to protect and defend the Constitution. To show us how absolutely hideous his thought processes are, first the cretin offers how difficult it is to predict human behavior, then in the same sentence predicts a free-for-all should citizens be allowed to protect themselves. Then he goes on to add that removing gun violence means doing away with legal carry, something that pretty much every last reasonable human being on the face of the earth says is the exact opposite of what needs to be done.

I won't even go into his laughable "restrict officers' ability to trace firearms", because he's too stupid to understand what he's even talking about and I've given this braindead misanthrope far more time than he deserves.

It boils down to this: When mere moments count, he wants you and I to call the police then wait the half hour or so until they arrive. Far longer mind you, if there's even the hint of gunplay, because that's when they surround the premises, break out the bullhorns, and crouch in the bushes until the shooting has stopped. And as far as those "25 people firing at one another", can you link me to a reference that shows where this has EVER HAPPENED, officer? And psst..know why it doesn't? Same reason it doesn't happen at the police station. Pay attention now because this might be a difficult concept but I'll type slowly...

Bad guys don't fuck with people or places when there are lots of guns available. You can look it up.

This gun-envy regarding law enforcement and the general populace is really getting out of hand, and as always...

Can't. Make. This. Shit. Up.

Public Service Announcement For All Members Of Law Enforcement Confused About The "INTENT" Of The Framers:

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed."
Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers

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