Monday, July 02, 2007

Cue Twilight Zone Music...

Professor claims to survive on just sunshine and fruit juice

"Michael Werner looks normal enough. He's six foot tall, grey and bespectacled, weighs in at 12-and-a-half stone (175 pounds for those of us NOT British and understandably daft) and enjoys playing tennis, socialising and jogging - three brisk miles before breakfast with his wife Angelica, a nice fry-up for her and a quick coffee for him.

All very ordinary. It's just that Michael doesn't eat. At all.

In fact, the last item of food that passed his lips was a huge helping of potato salad and a slice of cake on New Year's Eve 2001.

Extraordinarily, the 58-year-old doctor of chemistry and father of three from Brunswick, northern Germany, claims he gets all the sustenance he needs from the sun. Oh, and the occasional coffee, fruit juice or a glass of wine if he and Angelica are enjoying a night out.

"I call it light nutrition," he explains. "But one can also talk of ethereal, Prana, Chi or cosmic energy ... it's all the same thing."

It's also known as Breatharianism, or the belief that the elements contained in air - nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen - can sustain a body."

Normally one must go to a bowling alley to find such extraordinary dimwits, but it would appear that traveling abroad and seeking those with doctorates in chemistry is pretty much the same thing. Not that we here in the States are without nincompoops, but at least ours identify themselves by their political affiliations. Just ask Algore.

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