Monday, October 17, 2005

Lies, Damned Lies, And ABC "News"...

Michelle Malkin is featuring an ABC News headline that had to have come from someone's daydreams, as it had nothing to do with reality...

"It was ugly in Toledo, Ohio, this weekend--and if you watched any of the cable news coverage or glanced at the national MSM headlines, as I did, you probably are still wondering what really went down. Lesson: Don't believe ABC News and AP."

We commented upon the terrible job done by the local authorities, and had no idea that ABC and other Yellowstream, strike that, Mainstream Media outlets were actually blaming the Nazi's for the rioting until Michelle brought it to our attention. Of all the people arrested, not ONE of them was a neo-Nazi, as all 12 of them stopped marching along the sidewalks once the neighborhood blacks began tearing down a one-mile-square section of Toledo.

Blogger won't allow me to upload the headline itself, but here's what it said:

White Supremists Riot In Toledo, Ohio
Mayor of Toledo declares emergency, sets curfew after hundreds of white supremists riot...

Click on over to Michelle to get all of the grizzly details on how yet another liberal organization alters reality to sell their agenda and generate ad revenue.

And look, I've no love for the asshat Nazi's but the jerkwads have as much right to peacefully protest as the Cindy Sheehans, or Al Sharptons of the world, and for ABC to lie about what actually went on is mindboggling. The Nazi's beat feet as soon as the blacks descended upon them, the blacks trash the neighborhood, and the liberal media blames "White Supremists". Fucking assholes.

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