Sunday, August 05, 2007

Catch 22 Magnum

Anti-Gun Hysteria...The Only Ones...And The Kings And Queens That Love Them

Is it obvious that not everyone is suited to live in a free society? Yes. Is it as obvious that there are politicians not suited to live in a free society, but of course. Police are the enforcing arm of the will of the people, but some elected officials think otherwise and consider cops to be their own private army. Like in NYC, or Chicago, or Los Angeles.

The Founders felt that anyone law abiding enough to remain free from prison should be allowed to bear the same armament as the military and constabulary. The problem arose when liberal politicians played Dr. Frankenstein and created a sub-race beholding to them for their daily bread. In other words, it's ALIVE, but it certainly can't handle being granted the same freedoms as the SPECIAL PEOPLE.

As time passed, more and more of the citizenry was herded into that category. Well, sure you're an American but some Americans are more trustworthy than others. And the way we decide if you're trustworthy is to make very strict laws prohibiting the exercise of your Constitutional rights. If you DON'T break the law, then you're trustworthy. Still can't pack heat like the SPECIAL PEOPLE, but that's sort of the point isn't it? The ongoing process to determine how law-abiding one can be. If you DO exercise your rights and break the law, then by golly you're NOT trustworthy and we were right all along.

Some people simply cannot be allowed to be as free as others. Now, instead of packing these ones off to the correctional facilities they so deserve to reside, can't do that because things have gotten too far out of hand and we'd need WAY too many more prisons, the easy way out is to treat everyone like a prisoner-in-waiting.

You MIGHT do something wrong with that RIGHT, so we're not going to let you have it to begin with.


Commit a crime with a firearm and go to jail for the rest of your life. A real crime that is, not defending yourself or your family, okay? And not something as silly as "printing", allowing an outline of what might be a handgun to shown through your shirt, we're talking a criminal act and not going back to the same old, same old where otherwise law-abiding people are cowed into surrendering their share of the Constitution.

At times it seems as if we need another America, doesn't it. An America for Americans and an America for those willing to live off of the state while giving up their rights. An America for men and women proud to be trustworthy enough to employ deadly force as a last resort and an America for those who've surrendered that right by onerous deed. That'd be what, 10-15% of the current adult population? Here's an idea; trade certain rights for welfare checks. Go on public assistance and check off which right you can no longer exercise. Go off welfare, and the right comes back.

But one fact of the matter remains undaunted; if you cannot be trusted to own a firearm you should not be trusted in polite society. Paid your full debt to the people or have not, no middle ground.

It's never going to happen again, is it? A revolution to separate the Kings and Queens from the people.

Maybe not. But a man doesn't let a little impossibility stand in the way of what's right. Hell; not all of us are doctors from CT.

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