Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cops map the highway to hell

"...The NYPD's report - ..."The Homegrown Threat" - is a 90-page road map... based on the actions of about 100 extremists...

The analysis was created by the NYPD's Intelligence Division to help law enforcement authorities identify terrorists and prevent attacks.

The warning signs include becoming more religious, growing a beard, taking part in activities like paint-ball war games and expressing significant dissatisfaction with the U.S."

Holy spit. Paint-ball is for kids, and now I'm glad of convincing the Hogtown Irregulars to not even think of staging such shenanigans. Many are bearded, shoot from dawn to dusk, and won't even buy gas in Gainesville let alone shop in any of its stores so as not to deposit any of their hard earned money into liberal-city coffers. Should Shrillary become President you can bet your bottom dollar they'll, yours truly included, express SIGNIFICANT dissatisfaction with the U.S. and I'm relieved that nary a one reads the NY Daily News because hells bells, many of the "warning signs" for potential jihadists happen to be present in lots of folks guns.

But, being religious, having guns, and pissed off at the government is kinda what started this whole America experiment to begin with, so its comforting to know that the NYPD reads their history books.

Pictured: Police Commissioner Kelly discussing NY's Intelligence Division findings as to who warrants special consideration for being a good terrorist.

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