Friday, August 03, 2007


August 3, 2007 -- "Netroots, moonbats and other loopy-left types descend on Chicago this weekend for the annual Kos Convention - a Bush-Bash-a-thon of the first order and overall excoriation of all things un-"progressive."

Naturally, the Democratic presidential candidates will be on hand to preach to the choir; that's why so many of them have spent the past several days burnishing their far-left credentials.

First there was Barack Obama proclaiming his eagerness to pull up a chair and talk things over with bloody-handed thugs like Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong-Il of the Hermit Republic.

That was quickly followed by what apparently was meant to be a demonstration of military toughness: a pledge that, as president, he would unilaterally launch military action inside Pakistan, a U.S. ally, over that nation's continuing inability to cough up Osama bin Laden, or something like that.

All of which took him from a position that Hillary Clinton rightly called "irresponsible and, frankly, naive" to one that is downright reckless, too. But liberals just love it when Democratic candidates talk tough - the more nonsensical the rhetoric, the better.

Then, yesterday, Obama seemed even to befuddle himself, mentally double-clutching to an Associated Press reporter before totally ruling out the use of nuclear weapons against terrorists.

"I think it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance," Obama told the Association Press before pausing, then adding: "involving civilians."

"Let me scratch that," Obama quickly interjected. "There's been no discussion of nuclear weapons. That's not on the table." (Not on his table, maybe. Who knows about the terrorists?)

Substantively, it's a little bizarre that Obama doesn't know (or maybe doesn't care) that a first-strike option has been a part of U.S. strategic policy pretty much since the bomb was invented during World War II.

Weirder still is that a would-be commander-in-chief is willing publicly to repudiate a military option even before taking office.

But that's Obama for you.

As for Sen. Clinton, she weighed in yesterday on Obama's Pakistan invasion proposal - coming thisclose to endorsing it by promising to "ensure" that any "high-value targets in Pakistan . . . were targeted and killed or captured."

But then she added something significant: "We have to be prepared," said Clinton, "as my husband was when he fired on training camps."

Citing President Bill Clinton's military response to al Qaeda, frankly, is almost as other-worldly as threatening a unilateral invasion of Pakistan.

Sure, he flung a few Cruise missiles about, punching some holes in the Afghan desert and getting Monica Lewinsky off the front pages for a day or two.

But those very same strikes on training camps were followed by al Qaeda's attack on USS Cole and - just eight months after he left office - by 9/11.

Bill Clinton, in other words, made a lot of noise about chasing Osama bin Laden, but in the end did nothing effective.

Consider that since 9/11, when President Bush ratcheted up the global War on Terror, Britain has suffered subway and bus bombings, Madrid a devastating train attack and Bali two separate suicide bombings.

But America, in sharp contrast, has not suffered a repeat of 9/11 - or anything close to it.

Which is a major reason why Obama, Clinton and their loony-left acolytes will be able to gather in Chicago this weekend in relative safety and security."

Chicago is the perfect place, during the summer months at least, for a loon-atic gathering of surrender-first monstrosities.

Only the wealthy among them will be allowed to defend themselves by carrying firearms, and since this is a bargain-basement affair from the get to, that means nary a one of the fraidy cats will be packing heat. Except for the bodyguards of the rich and political, that is. THEY are special people, far more deserving of taking that next breath, and the folks assembling in Ill-Annoy's worst city like it that way. Hells bells but most of them are the same Princess Di devotees who simply ADORE royalty and really really wish we had some of them there kings and queenies here too.

And fairies. Lots and lots of fairies.

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