Monday, August 06, 2007

Flashlight Weapon Makes Targets Throw Up

Oh sweet moses on a pogo just what we need. Another non-lethal weapon...a contradiction that doesn't seem to sink in with those begging for more and more ways to stop murderous scum...that will cause a perp to hurl all over your shoes.

"It looks like a big flashlight — but it's really a nonlethal weapon designed to make you sick.

Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc., of Torrance, Calif., has been granted a contract by the Department of Homeland Security to develop what it calls the "LED Incapacitator," according to a DHS online newsletter.

The handheld device using light-emitting diodes to emit super-bright pulses of light at rapidly changing wavelengths, causing disorientation, nausea and even vomiting in whomever it's pointed at."

I recall working with a prototype playtoy similar to this one years ago. Worked just fine for putting a hitch in someone's giddyup, but the thing didn't work all that well on someone wearing darkly shaded sunglasses and that was that. Oh yeah, and the one they had us fooling with was the size of a fire hydrant so at least they're making these puke-lights smaller.

Why they REALLY fiddle with such nonsense is because when law enforcement shouts "Stop or I'll Shoot!", that could very well mean the whole neighborhood is due for a lead shower. Or like when they're shooting at snakes.

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