Saturday, March 08, 2008

Toy Weapons

BrickArms Lego Compatible Weapons

BrickArms are designed using the latest Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools to allow for precise details, and yet still retain an artistic sculptural feel of the action weapons. Injection molded to the highest of tolerances, all 21 BrickArms Weapons are made of durable ABS plastic - the same plastic that Lego uses in their own toys, to mesh perfectly with the Lego system you already own. They are all available individually or in discounted assorted Weapons Packs.

Hey guys...

What say we start a rumor that another arms maker is manufacturing mini-firearms. A LEO will see it on the web, pass the info along, thusly forcing NY, NJ, and California to institute an emergency BAN.

I figure if we keep them busy enough with absolute bullshit, they won't have time to be screwing around with the real stuff.

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