Saturday, April 29, 2006

Attention All Floridians: From the NRA...


HB-129 Protects your right to have a firearm in your vehicle for lawful purposes and to park your vehicle in parking lots.Carrying firearms in a vehicle for hunting, target shooting or protection of yourself and your family obviously means you can leave that firearm locked in the vehicle in a parking lot when you go grocery shopping, to the doctor's office, to the movie, to visit a sick friend in the hospital, to rent a movie, to the shoe store or anywhere else normal people travel to conduct business.Florida law, the U.S. Constitution, and the Florida Constitution clearly and unequivocally give law abiding citizens to have firearms in their vehicles for lawful purposes.

Since there are CURRENTLY NO PENALTIES for violating to law, numerous businesses are violating the law and are banning firearms in their parking lots.

Some are even searching private vehicles that park in parking lot that are open to the public. Their gun ban policies apply to customers and employees.

How can anyone justify telling a woman who is being stalked that she can't have a firearm for protection? In many cases police tell these women to get a gun for protection because police can't be there to protect her -- and calling 911 is nothing more than government sponsored dial-a-prayer.

A business owner or manager has no more right to say you can't have a firearm in your private vehicle than they have a right to say you can't have a pair of sun glasses, an umbrella, a Bible or a baby seat.

Such an anti-gun political exercise is not good business sense. They want your money but don't respect your rights.Businesses are not allowed to discriminate against employees and customers because of race, religion, political party, color of eyes, hair or weight. And they certainly can't discriminate because of the exercise of lawful self-defense. And, make no mistake, these gun ban policies are blatant discrimination against people who chose to exercise a constitutional right and take responsibility for their own safety.

National Rifle Association
Institute for Legislative Action
Lots of silly businesses will try and act tough about their ban on firearms, but in Florida that's all they can do, is act.

ANY business can, however, ask you to leave the premises but this is a touchy subject because they just can't decide who not to serve, and certainly trying to eject a minority who is breaking no law wouldn't be looked favorably upon by the local police who have enough problems without enforcing store policies.

Once law enforcement arrives, it's a law enforcement problem, and the cop wants to know who broke what law. When a dumbass Wal-Mart Manager says, "Well, that customer is carrying a gun," 99.9% of all officers will check for the proper permit, then ask the store rep once again as to what LAW was being broken.

Cops are NOT paid to enforce business practices, but CAN and WILL arrest you for disturbing the peace if all else fails and you're acting like a retard. The best thing to do is remain calm and polite and tell whomever is accosting you that concealed is concealed and you are breaking no law. A great many company's do not have corporate policies banning guns, but a lot of brain dead store managers do not know this...believe me on this as I was told by a Lowes manager that guns weren't permitted in the store...and will hassle you whenever the need to act like a real man or macho-dyke becomes too overwhelming to overcome.

If you ARE asked to exit, then the best thing is to do so. Plain and simple. In Florida, you've broken no law but arguing and/or threatening some jerkwad can and will get you into trouble with the local yokels.

Take your business elsewhere, case closed.

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