Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Tragedy In Georgia Continued:

Since Halo-Scam has been on the fritz for me, let me comment in an open post with regards to the former law enforcement officer in Georgia who killed his wife.

It was NOT an accident. If we cannot agree on simple English then there is no reason to continue the discussion.

The women was killed due to her husbands abject negligence.

I can only read short snippets from the newer comments as they are forwarded to me via email, but all attempts to get into the meat of the matter by viewing the actual comment itself have been fruitless.

Why in heavens name I, and the others who have let their feelings be known as well, should feel more sorrow and outrage for this womans loss than her own family does is absolutely mind boggling.

Has the deification of law enforcement gone THIS far? Are they above reproach? Have they been granted carte blanche to kill at will? Is there ANY reason for the cursing and vilification of experts as they introduce fact after fact to stand up for this poor woman when her family will not?

Ladies and gentlemen I humbly submit that things have gone far more sour than we ever believed possible. With that in mind, any and all comments that continue to besmirch this woman as having died due to an accident will be deleted, and the IP address of the commenter banned from insulting her memory in such a manner.

Such killings will continue until the responsible parties own up to their negligence and do something about it. In the meantime, they will not be protected here, not on my watch.

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