Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Iran Making Iraqi IED's...

"The U.S. military says more lethal roadside bombs with armor-penetrating capabilities and sophisticated triggers are now being used in Iraq - and says they are traced to Iran's Revolutionary Guard or Iranian-backed militias."

New York Post Online Edition: news

That pretty much clinches it. Such news coming from the White House, and the Presidents' saber rattling can mean only one thing. We're being prepped. The EUrinals, and the U.N. will get the chance to put together some really harsh words, and feel all good about themselves, but if Iran gets one inch closer to a nuke the Jews then ask for permission to fly through Iraqi airspace and make some nice-sized holes in the sand.

But I'll not respond to the news that those camel fucking sand fleas are killing Americans in Iraq. I won't kneejerk this one and demand a public hanging for each and every one of the Iranian leaders. I won't ask for the establishment of a lottery where the winner gets to trigger the trap door that sends Iranian President Ahmadimeadozen spiraling into a vat of acid. I won't beg to take just one more shot for my country and squeeze one off into his gonads.

Hey, I was a halfway decent shooter but hitting something that small is near impossible.

PS: As a longtime despiser of stupid government and military nonsense jargon, ALL explosive devices are IMPROVISED. That's unless the Pentagon has discovered a hand grenade tree and hasn't told us.

You don't think...?


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