Monday, March 06, 2006

It's Official...

I am despised in every clime and place where I can take a pun.

Hate mail is inevitable when one takes a side, any side. Now I'm getting them from comments I leave over at Dennis The Peasant's digs. And for all the wrong reasons. I poke fun at whatever I feel like poking fun at, and lately have been known to take digs at some of the otherwise well meaning folks who've become enraged over the A-rabs getting their oily little hands on our port security stuff. Posing as a lunatic redneck is one thing. Being believed is another. Nothing against rednecks. We NEED rednecks, pretty much every last one of them. Keeps us honest. A redneck isn't shy to call bullshit when he sees it, and doesn't have to have a sniff and a taste to know what it is, either. I am not one simply because I grew up in a different part of the country. I portray one badly. And it would be terrible for folks to think that I am posing as something I am truly not, so to those who have taken offense at my ramblings...

Fuck you.

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