Saturday, March 18, 2006

Messenger Spotlight On...

Really Bad Places To Live In These Otherwise Swell United States

This week's focus is on: Wisconsin. Principal export to free states: Cheese. Inhabitants: Sheeple. Historically noted for: Being one of the few remaining bastions of communism, socialism, and abject stupidity, as is proven by the following:

"Any person except a peace officer who goes armed with a concealed and dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

Translation: Only special citizens employed by the state may be allowed to exercise their Constitutional rights. Everyone else: Why aren't you making more cheese?


Lemuel Calhoon said...

Makes you wonder why the NRA is haveing their annual convention there.

Was I in charge of the Association I would only have the convention in a shall issue state. Preferably one with a "castle doctrine" law as well.

Fits said...

Maybe it has something to do with an attempt to drum up more interest, Lem, to get the sheeple awake or something.

But the NRA continues to surprise me with regards to their choice of venue for important events.

And a state without a stand-your-ground law allows surviving gremlins or their kin to sue because poor little tommy was murdered when all the homeowner had to do was run away like the law says.

Makes me sick. Was funny as hell here when Florida passed the no need to retreat from your car deal. The Brady's were everywhere handing out leaflets warning people to be nice to Floridians because they can now kill you if you are not.

Damned straight.