Saturday, April 15, 2006

Concealed Does Mean Concealed

So okay then. Week or so back I was chatting with a friend in the Gainesville Lowes, and during the course of the conversation he mentioned going to the local indoor range. We yadda-yadda'd and blah-blah'd until he inquired as to whether or not I was carrying...silly question really, for I always carry...and despite my best efforts to get him to lower his voice he continued until a passing big shot stopped to admonish him. He works there, and I got one of those sidelong, "and this goes for you TOO Mister" glances that did nothing more than make her look even uglier and dumber than usual.

"It's posted right on the doors. NO GUNS." The hag offered.

"Which doors?" Yours truly replied.

"Well it should be on all of them." The hag , now sensing that perhaps she was mistaken retorted with a noticeable quiver in her annoying voice.

"Well, it isn't on ANY of them," Yours truly shot back, "and Lowes corporate policy mentions nothing about prohibiting firearms as long as local laws allow them."

With that, I bid adieu to my friend because I didn't want him on the Hag's shit list for talking to a rabid gun nut. I found the above business card and intend to have some made just for giggles and grins, but in the meantime included one in an email to Lowes Corporate Headquarters with an accompanying query as to the validity of my retort to the Hag. I'm fairly confident that I was correct, and if I know anything about Corporate life some low-level flunky will shit a brick in trying to soothe my hurt widdle feelings and assure me that my business is quite welcome at Lowes.

The bottom line is the fact that people such as the Hag do not have a clue about company policy when it comes to such things as guns, and oft times will kneejerk their way into a corner by spouting personal beliefs as if they were law.

My one regret lies with the fact that open-carry is not permitted in Florida, for if it were I'd be carrying an 8" S&W .500 Magnum in the most gaudiest of holsters I could find just to piss off hags like the Hag. I'll continue to shop there because as big hardware stores go it's the best I've yet to encounter, and now and again I'll give the old concealed rig a shift or two when bumping into her Hagness.

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