Tuesday, April 18, 2006

From "The Corner"

After a little help, okay, a LOT of help, quotas were supposed to have long since went the way of the Dodo after people got a fair shot at things. They'd hoist themselves by their bootstraps and all would be well.

[Jonah Goldberg]
My lovely bride has a piece in the Weekly Standard on the growing push to impose gender quotas on math and science courses. The scary part: it's increasingly bipartisan.

The top level of measurable, certifiable genius, remains male-specific. There's tons of work suggesting that men and women's brains function quite differently on various analytical levels, and perhaps, just perhaps, from eons of selecting looks over grey-matter we men bred the distaff side to the point it is at today. I simply do not know, but what I DO know is that quotas are evil, insulting, and anyone pushing such nonsense should be drawn and quartered. As a good start.

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