Saturday, April 15, 2006

Podhoretz On The Murdering Mullah's Big Bomb

"IT appears that, for the first time since the heady days of unity after 9/11, there is an overwhelming consensus in both political parties on a foreign-policy matter of pressing concern to this country. Democrats and Republicans are on record as saying that something must be done to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

If the Iranian government is telling the truth when it says it has begun enriching uranium, then the only thing in dispute is just how long it will take Iran to build and deploy a full-scale nuclear weapon.

Press accounts indicate the U.S. intelligence community believes it will take Iran a decade to do so - but, given the recent record of the U.S. intelligence community, it's probably wise to maintain some skepticism about the accuracy of its predictive powers.

Which means we can't comfort ourselves with the thought that we have 10 years to play around with."
Then again there's the news from fantasyland that Iran was given "The Bomb" by the Clinton administration, and since 12 year-olds do need something to read it was a worthwhile effort. But back here on planet earth, Mr. Podhoretz is right in presuming we do not have a decade to rouse these barbarians from their dream of a great big hole in the ground where Israel used to be, and better to take them on BEFORE they've aquired the capability to kill with an even greater vengeance.

Iran preening all over itself that they have the means to start a nuclear war might be just the ticket to remind people that if the Democrats are in control when this does happen, the shit has hit the fan and it's too late to send in the A-Team to deal with the murdering mullah's.


Gert said...

Do you really believe in all honesty that the Iranians would risk nuclear bombing of Israel when such an act would also mean complete and utter nuclear destruction of Iran itself by retaliating forces?

The US and USSR had the capacity to destroy each other completely, several times over, during 40 years of Cold War, yet never a single shot was fired. Ever heard of Mutually Assured Destruction?

Never mind the fact that Iran has only the capacity to (slowly) enrich to 3.5%, not the requred 85 - 90% needed for a bomb...

Never mind the fact that we don't know wether they have a reliable delivery system...

Never mind the fact the regime flatly denies seeking nuclear weapons...

Never mind all that... let's bomb now, just to make sure...

Fits said...

Of course I don't believe that sane men would nuke Israel, Gert. Do they WANT to? Of course they do. Been wanting to put an end to the Jews for whats it been now, 1400 years?

Would they use a nuke to bargain? Sure they would, Gert. Do I care if they have a reliable delivery system, Gert? Nope. We didn't either but made things up as we went along. To assume that the way WE do things is going to be the way EVERYONG does things means you've already lost.

And as far as "just bomb now", Gert, they've given the world plenty of reason to disarm them, as lunatic Islam has shown what it will do when given the chance, Gert. There's a big hole in the ground in my home town, Gert, and maybe others disremember the fact that barbarians chose to use whatever weapon at hand to destroy innocent people, but I haven't and, thank heavens, neither have the people sworn to protect us, Gert.

My presumption is that you are quite younf and/or liberal, and that's cool. You're entitled to whatever opinion you can form from all of years of travel and experience around the world. As for me, I've seen enough, and when a particular group has KILL AMERICA and ISRAEL as their slogan, and finds such tidbits in their holiest of holies, damn straight they're toast.

You can die all you want, Gert, but I prefer for my friends and family to live, so I'll continue to elect men to office's that require balls, not the ability to deliver free ice cream and pony rides for those that would destroy us.

Thanks again for a view from the surrender-side. Appreciate it.

Lemuel Calhoon said...

Why do we assume that the mullahs and their hand puppet are sane?

Fits said...

In dialogue with moonbats, I try to at least recognize the possibility, not probability, mind you, of someone associated with islam having a degree of sanity that might very well approach a 17th Century mindset. In offering that no SANE person would wish the destruction of his country, one leaves open to interpretation the evidence to the contrary. Sure, the mullisimo's believe us to be weak, and that the Russians and chinese are covering their ass. For bin Laden to orchestrate the monstrosity that was 9-11 was one thing. He knew there was no one country for us to turn into Glass-Lake. The mullah's SHOULD know otherwise.


Lemuel Calhoon said...

They may KNOW and not care. If they HONESTLY BELIEVE that either Allah will save them or that they entire nation will be blessed in death and go to heaven and get their 72 virgins they may be eager to provoke a nuclear strike.

Chamberlain assumed that Hitler was sane after all.