Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ralph Peters Has A Go At Apples And Oranges

April 9, 2006 -- "THE most dangerous error we could make in our sharpening confronta tion with Iran is to convince ourselves that its leaders will act rationally. Few wars are rooted in dispassionate analysis. Self-delusion sparks most such catastrophes.

The power brokers in Tehran may be on the verge of misjudging America's will and resources as profoundly as did the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1941, or al Qaeda on Sept. 11, 2001.

Stalin misread America's will when he acquiesced in the Korean Communist invasion of the south. So did Castro, when he imagined that he could impose a tyrannical regime on Grenada.

Saddam Hussein misread America, too. Twice. First, when he convinced himself that he could grab Kuwait with impunity, and, second, when he did his weapons-of-mass-destruction fan dance. (Bulletin for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad: Don't play the I've-got-weapons-you'd-better-be-afraid-of card.)"

Wowsers, Ralphie. Attack us, or our vital interests, and yes, your ass is grass. Brag to the world that you're really close to building a nuclear power station and...what...we nuke you? In this day and age? We don't just provide the Israeli's with the logistical assistance necessary to do it themselves?

How does the President explain this to the rabid dogs in Congress, who are already foaming at the mouth in their attempt to portray him as a moslem-hating war monger? How does this years election shape up when a country already tiring of war receives the news that we've started another one? What does the electorate think when the Dems pound home the message that they'll stop all of this unilateral saber rattling and get us back on the road to peace?

The Iranians know full well that they've got us right where they want us with regards to a massive strike on any of their facilities. And we know they know, Ralphie. We want them to believe this...duh. Push comes to shove (meaning all intelligence reports were wrong and they're closer than we believe them to be) and it's a surgical strike after...AFTER...all other options have been thoroughly exhausted. They're not even close to finishing their "power plants" and to hit them now would admit that diplomacy either wasn't working or that we didn't try hard enough.

Sweet christ on a crutch, Ralphie, but you don't know shit about politics, do you. Our powers-that-be know full well that a people who behead the innocent, hang folks from cranes, brutalize women, and spend their days talking to imaginary deities that live in the clouds who promise them dozens of young gals if they kill infidels, we know that such folks aren't sane, Ralphie.

The President will make tsk-tsk'ing noises. For a while. He'll make sure that the voters know he's on the case, and in 2 years time...just as he's preparing to hand the reins over to RodHam...THEN he'll waste the suckers if need be.

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