Thursday, March 09, 2006

And the hits just keep on comin'...

Think I could get away with setting up a seat in the Dallas Cheerleaders locker room because to prohibit me from doing so is restricting my right to know if they have any hot tips on the team?

I have the right to witness, don't I? And what if I had season tickets mostly because I like these gals, wouldn't I then have the right to see if what I was paying for was the real deal?

Betcha the ACLU would think so. This in from the AP and went around the web like wildfire.

"The American Civil Liberties Union claims in a federal lawsuit today that California’s lethal injection protocol violates the First Amendment.
The ACLU says the injection protocol violates the rights of execution witnesses by not allowing them to see if the inmate is experiencing pain before death.
The group says the only reason San Quentin State Prison officials inject a paralyzing agent is to sanitize the execution and prevent witnesses from perhaps seeing convulsions."


Lemuel Calhoon said...

I've had surgery under a general three times and never felt a thing.

I suspect that the ACLU has some kind of agenda. What could it be?

Fits said...

Frickin Booger has lost several attempts at my response, and now it's ruined. Without spontaneity it isn't blogging it's Hog'ing bandwidth just to whine.

But yeah, commies and their agenda. Ghouls.