This from Gribbit at Stop The ACLU.
"Sometime in the last 100 years or so, we have become slaves. We are now slaves to the lawyers. Every decision made must have a legal consideration. We must consult the lawyers or we cannot proceed.
Congress can't pass a piece of legislation until after some committee does a study to see if the legislation will survive judicial review. We are slaves to those who argue cases and review them. We are slaves to those who have the need to put the letters Esq. after their names. And once they are clothed in black garments, we then turn over all of our decision making to their care.
The time is here people. It has already happened. And it was an organization of lawyers which started us down that path. And we let them. So what are you going to do about it?
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay or Gribbit. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 150 blogs already on-board
In the effort to make everything safe and sound and so secure, well meaning people began the nanny culture, and today we must wade through it just to brush our teeth in the morning (hello flouridation). Science was on the march, medicines were curing people of the incurable, live expectancies were rising.
Suddenly, people had a lot to live for. And to some, that meant living under an umbrella of government protection. Have we forgetten about Prohibition? We amended our Consitution because the nanny's wanted us to. Fine, no problem.
Whoops. Big problem. And the door was opened from a crack to something you could drive a tractor trailer through. It's generally referred to as the slippery slope. Give a little here, let them take a right or two there, what can it hurt? They're only out to help us, right? They'd never take away our freedom of religion, or the right to bear arms. Not really. They just want to make things safer.
For criminals. The "disadvantaged". The sick, lame, and lazy.
And yes, we have surrendered to the lawyers because the weak amongst us gave away the keys to the castle while we weren't paying all that much attention. Politics. Who needs it. They're all crooks anyway. Why bother. All of this is true, but one must pay MORE attention to crooks, not LESS. Jimmy Carter proved that any fool could become President. Bill Clinton proved that we'd forgotten that any fool could become President. Has the internet changed this, to even a small degree? Can the crooks still steal away our freedoms, a little at a time, making us inch by inch less free each and every day?
In some places the web has done wonders. Then there's Iowa and Minnesota out in the middle of who-cares-where, and there's New York and California as the enablers of all things weak and fragile.
We're not all that breakable, folks. We CAN act and think for ourselves. We CAN and SHOULD be held responsible for our actions.
And we do not need the federal government around to blow our nose every time we catch the sniffles. Now, we're lucky that the enemy is even weaker than we were. Take a click over to the Democratic Underground if you don't believe me. These are not implaccable foes we face. They are not super heroes. They are children of all ages who are frightened of all things, big and small. All we need do is stay reasonably alert, and when they make yet another move to force us all back to the cradle, we resist.
Do that often enough and even the lawyers might take notice that there's a new spirit in town. Do not, and say hello to President Rodham.
And that's even scarier than a naked Mo Do.
More naked Mo Do. There may not be enough Japanese porn. . .
One thing gives me pause. Was it Heinlein who said, "never frighten a small man he will kill you".
These people are scared of us. We frighten them on nearly every level. What might they think of as legitimate self defense?
Don't recall if it was Heinlein. Sounds enough like him, though. Cowards lose no sleep after stabbing you in the back. Facing them down works, but never, ever, lose sight of the 6.
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