Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Legally Blonde

Ann Coulter

"I guess the only way we'll ever find out how many blacks have worked in the Bush administration is to wait for them to get in trouble someday so we can read the breathless, triumphant stories on the front page of The New York Times about a black Republican scofflaw. It's amazing that anyone has ever heard of Condoleezza Rice — she's never even been arrested for jaywalking.

Claude Allen, whom I first heard of this week, was a top adviser to President Bush for more than 4 1/2 years. Soon after Bush was elected in 2000, he made Allen the No. 2 official at the Department of Health and Human Services. Allen later became Bush's domestic policy adviser, meeting with the president several times a week. In 2003, Bush nominated Allen to a federal judgeship on the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — which nomination was then blocked by the party that wouldn't exist without black votes.

Deploying their usual strategy against black Republicans, Democrats raised questions about Allen's "legal credentials": Democrat-ese for "He's black, so he's probably not very smart."

This week at The New York Times, it was revenge of the queers. I'm sorry it took a tough period in Allen's life for The New York Times to feature him under a banner headline on its front page, but all in all, I'm glad to finally know about Claude Allen. I'm proud to have this great fellow sinner in our party."
Yep. The party of slavery, abortion, and cut & run has gleefully leaped into the fray with those that would destroy the reputation of an accused, not convicted individual, and of course the MSM treats this as life being discovered on Uranus.

Now if Mr. Allen was a self-proclaimed, convicted murderer, then all would be well. Or a terrorist bent on destroying the very fabric of our society.

They love to make people victims, then come to their rescue. Makes them feel less cowardly this way. They are afraid of so very many things...all extremists are, just have a look at some of the far right-wingers and you'll find the very same stark raving fear (ala Kim du Toit for example) this is the only way they can pitch in and contribute.

Must be hell being them.

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