Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Them durn plastic guns again...

Received the following:
CNN "Glocks easily pass metal detectors."

CNN is at it again. Sorry, I don't have a transcript of the reporter but I do have my letter to the Paula Zahn show. Don't ask why I was watching CNN. I was busy writing and heard the little blurb during a story about a smashed Ferarri in LA.

"This references the story of the smashed Ferrari. It was mentioned that a Glock pistol was found. The reporter described it as "mostly plastic... preferred by criminals... passes through metal detectors". This is incorrect. The Glock handgun is made with a steel barrel, steel slide, all steel internals, steel lined magazines. Only the grip and the outer skin of the magazines is plastic. In no case can a Glock handgun pass through a properly calibrated metal detector anywhere on earth without detection. The Glock is indeed preferred by Law Enforcement not criminals. As proven by the number issued to departments worldwide."

I entered the site but could not find any reference to the above mentioned story, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me were CNN to continue their campaign of misrepresentation disguised as news.

Sounds like them.


Lemuel Calhoon said...

If Glock is the most issued pistol with police departments it will then be the preferred gun of criminals. Criminals want the same gun the cops have. Sort of like in Viet Nam a lot of GI's thought that the AK was the very thunderbolt of Thor while a good many VC wanted a "black stick", their nickname for the M-16.

The enemies gun never jams.

Fits said...

Copy that.