Saturday, March 04, 2006

Long overdue for a touch-up?

I've only one tattoo, and sorry for the blurry pic but Lisa was too weak in the knees to hold the camera steady, or focus. Trouble is, it's needing a touchup as the color is fading but I am of two minds concerning this. Yeah, yeah, I know, if I had even one mind it'd be a miracle but bear with me. Over the years, people have recommended that I allow nature to take it's course and let the thing fade as I fade. Others have said, what the hell, get the color back. Lisa was fooling with the camera when she took this and I wasn't paying attention to what she was shooting, and, as I guess like most men, I really wasn't aware that the vivid reds and blues had degenerated to a sort of blah. Egotistical, okay, but asking advice is permitted when you're my age and wanna know if yer looking as hideous as they say you are.

Not Lisa, though. As you can tell from her proficiency with the camera, she's perfect in every way but is as blind as a bat sometimes. (Thank god, yeah)

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