Saturday, March 04, 2006

"The President and FEMA were going on information provided to them by THE FUCKING IDIOTS RUNNING THE KLEPTOCRACY OF LOUISIANA, WHO WERE IN LOUISIANA WHEN KATRINA STRUCK, and even THEY didn’t know that the fuckin’ levees, that their corrupt families & friends had built, were breached! Jumpin’ Jeebus on a Steam-powered Motor Scooter!"

Ah to be as full of piss and vinegar as Misha. In reality, the older one gets, the less of a beating one takes from the same old fricking thing, day after day, coming from the MSM. That they are liberal jerkwads who've long since pissed on every last vestige of ethical comportment is NOT something I can get riled about on a daily basis anymore. Like natural novocain, the organism seeks to numb the senses rather than continue to the point of stroking out.

They are an abomination, and such lies as they spew SHOULD result in their being taken to task, so thank heavens for the kneejerk young'uns who are more than happy to kick some yellowstream journalistic ass.

Does it really show how mellow I get after sex?

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