Thursday, April 20, 2006

Busy Day

That's turned into a chinese firedrill, but what's new.

Am set up for high speed internet access through Cox Cable, Lisa went and did all of the necessary folderol lwhile I was cavorting about town, but there's one glitch.

It doesn't work.

And it's either our pc, cable line, cable modem, or the current alignment of Venusian cloud cover with respect to the concentration of sulphuric acid droplets measured in nanograms per deciliter in specific relationship of course to the available particulates of H2O.

In other words, nobody knows.

So one PC is down while that's being fiddled with, and the older PC I'm using to pass along this dreadfully banal activity report is on it's last legs so I don't know who to blame; It, AOL, or Blogger.

Quick flash to Lem: The XD was da bomb. Had several failures to feed, but am presuming factors other than the reliability of the gun itself were in play and will elaborate when possible.


Jerry, the Springfield .45 owner, has identified a faulty magazine as a reason for some of our failures to feed, and we'll be booming that bad boy manana to see what else I can break. The higher bore axis (relative to the Glocks we were comparing it to) wasn't any big deal, just something to become acquainted then dealt with. I don't care what magazine or follower went bad, the gun had a definite taste for some munitions over others, and this isn't anything that would cause me to withhold a recommendation, but it CAN get pricey learning what makes Springy happy.

FMJ's were a breeze, Ranger's didn't hiccough at all, but Cor-Bons were no-no's and the same held true for some ancient Federal Hi-Shoks he found at the bottom of an old range bag.

As long as your range rounds have the equivalent kick combined with a relative level of accuracy compared to what you'll be using to dispatch Benny the Burglar, I see no reason to kvetch.

But I want to see some mores.


Lemuel Calhoon said...

Sorry to hear about your high speed troubles.

Sorry to hear about the problems with the XD. I look forward to hearing more when you have time.

Fits said...

Copy and will retry ASAP.

Lemuel Calhoon said...

This is good to hear. A gun liking some kinds of ammo over other kinds is not that big a deal.